He said: I don't like my body!

Published on 1 February 2022 at 10:05


As a life coach, I have come across many individuals who struggle with body image issues. It's not uncommon for men to feel insecure about their bodies, especially in today's society where there is a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. I recently worked with a man who was unhappy with his body and it was affecting his self-esteem and confidence.

M is a 35-year-old man who had always been self-conscious about his body. He felt like he didn't have the perfect body that society deemed desirable, and this affected his interactions with people. M found it difficult to connect with people and form meaningful relationships because he was constantly worried about how they perceived him. He would shy away from social situations and often felt left out.

During our coaching sessions, M expressed his frustration with his body and how it was impacting his life. We worked on identifying his negative self-talk and how it was contributing to his negative body image. I encouraged him to focus on his strengths rather than his perceived flaws. We explored ways in which he could become more confident and comfortable in his own skin. M did not look as bad as he thought he did, he looked fine and there was nothing wrong with his appearance. 

One of the strategies that worked well for M was to focus on his health and fitness. He had always been interested in sports but had stopped playing because he didn't feel good about his body. We worked on setting achievable fitness goals that he could work towards. This helped him to shift his focus from his perceived flaws to his strengths and achievements.


Another important aspect of our coaching sessions was addressing M's limiting beliefs. He had been holding on to negative beliefs about himself and his body for a long time, and these beliefs were holding him back from reaching his full potential. We worked on identifying these limiting beliefs and challenging them with evidence and logical reasoning.

Over time M's self-esteem and confidence improved, and he was able to form deeper connections with people. He began to focus on his strengths rather than his perceived flaws, and this had a positive impact on his personal and professional life.

If you're struggling with body image issues like M, it's important to remember that you're not alone. It's okay to seek help and support to overcome these challenges. By working with a life coach or therapist, you can develop strategies to improve your self-esteem and confidence and form deeper connections with people.


Reflective question: What are some strategies that you can use to improve your body image and focus on your strengths rather than perceived flaws?

Ruby - Coach & Counselor

Certified Life Coach

Stress & Burnout Coach

MBA - Trainer/Educator