Welcome to Raviv Private Practice, where we believe in the transformative power of connection, self-discovery, and personal growth. As a small yet powerful company, we offer services designed to enhance your well-being and enrich your life. Whether you seek guidance, peace of mind, or new horizons, we are here to support you at any moment.


Our compassionate expert specializes in in-house coaching, counseling, and guided meditation, among other areas. We understand that life presents challenges, and we are committed to assisting you with every obstacle you encounter so that you can discover your true potential and find your inner strength.


Mindfulness is at the heart of everything we do. Our carefully crafted mindfulness programs invite you to cultivate deeper awareness and guide you towards a more balanced and meaningful existence. Through mindfulness, we strive to open your senses, create a deeper connection with yourself and others, and empower you to lead a life full of purpose and fulfillment.


Loneliness can be a heavy burden in our lives; that's why we offer companionship services for those seeking genuine human connection. Our empathetic companionship guide is ready to provide support, understanding, and friendship to alleviate feelings of isolation. Together, we will create a sense of belonging, building meaningful relationships that bring light and warmth into your everyday life.

For business professionals, athletes, and artists, we have tailor-made travel programs with unique opportunities to provide you with all the support you need during your business trips.


We believe that everyone deserves to live a life full of joy and connection. Your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to guiding you on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery. At our practice, we believe that emotional intelligence and a growth mindset are essential for personal development and success.


We understand that seeking help is not easy; that's why we prioritize privacy and confidentiality in all our sessions. Our approach is customized to the unique needs and goals of each client, and we work together to create a safe and supportive space for growth and self-realization.

Whether you're seeking professional guidance to improve your relationships, manage stress and anxiety, overcome personal challenges, or achieve your full potential, our expert is ready to guide and support you every step of the way. Our goal is to unlock your inner potential, build resilience, and create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back from reaching your goals and living your best life. Contact us today to schedule a session and begin your journey to personal growth.


  • What is counseling?


Counseling is advice which a therapist or other expert gives to someone about a particular problem.

Counseling (sometimes also written as counselling) is a low-threshold form of (emotional) assistance.

The aim of counselling is to relieve distress, improve coping ability, raise awareness and understanding of oneself and other people, and give an increased sense of wellbeing.

At its best, counselling can help put life situations in perspective. Help find practical solutions and approaches to challenges.


  • When to seek counseling?


If you’re a perfectionist, having an identity crisis or if you are going through a rough patch, you can always seek counseling. Here are some examples of situations that require individual guidance and advice:

Example 1: "I recently moved and I feel restless when I'm at home. I miss my old environment and I don't know how to deal with this."

Example 2: "I’ve been feeling lonely lately even though I regularly see my friends and colleagues. I always have the idea that something is not right. It’s a strange feeling."

Example 3: "Due to circumstances I dropped out of school and I feel gloomy. My parents are putting me under pressure and I'm sad all the time. I need counseling asap."


These are just a couple of examples we are positive we can help you with. Keep in mind that this concerns individual sessions. If you are looking for couples or family sessions, please refer to our other services in the tabs below.


  • What about Preventive Counseling?


Preventive Counseling is used to stop problems before they start or to prevent things from getting worse, its main focus is the anticipation and avoidance of conflicts or problems in the future. 

You can also make appointments to chat about a recent change in your life or before you make an important life decision like marriage or moving to another country/continent. 1 session every 6 to 8 weeks is usually enough.

Some advantages of preventive counselling:

could build resilience, reduce anxiety, improve relationship, compliment the holistic approach to your wellbeing.


  • What is coaching?


Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.

Coaching is also a form of counseling. It is a process that aims to improve performance, enhance productivity and it does focus on the 'here and now' rather than on the distant past or future.


  • When to seek coaching?


Many people seek out life coaches for guidance in navigating a significant life change, like post-divorce or starting a new career. However, people can also turn to life coaches for help in building a happier and more meaningful life.

Coaching is more than a process where a coach supports you to make a change, learn something new or achieve a goal. With proper guidance, we can help raise awareness and responsibility to unlock potential and develop skills, as well as supporting you at every level in becoming a better version of yourself.


You can seek a life coach if:

You’re feeling stuck

You don’t have hobbies or fulfilling free time activities

You lack basic skills like discipline and determination

You want to learn how to listen better

You lack direction and purpose

You don’t know how to deal with (sudden) changes

You feel unhappy most of the time

You want to get out of a toxic environment …



Question 1: “Hello, I made the decision to end my marriage recently and although I’m sure it was the right decision, it was still one of the hardest times of my life. I’m glad it’s all over now, but I feel like I’m stuck in the past, I’m stuck with who I was in that relationship and I don’t want to be that person anymore. I need you to help me find myself again.”

Question 2: “Dear coach, I started a new job as a private school teacher immediately after graduating. I was so excited until I actually started working. During my 4 years taking tests and writing essays they taught me how to deal with the students and the paperwork, no one taught me how to deal with my own thoughts after a long day listening to 25 different voices and opinions. I need some guidance.”


There is no perfect 1-size-fits-all coaching. People are not the same and coaching can be customized to meet the client’s needs. However, in order for coaching to be EFFECTIVE, it does require the coachee (the person we’re coaching) to welcome the chance to see what they are not seeing on their own and to be willing to explore ideas, perspective and assumptions.


  • What is the difference between our counseling and coaching sessions?

Short answer:

Coaches and counselors both focus on helping people and make use of similar interpersonal communication skills. Both provide solutions to get you closer to the life you want to be living.

Coaches are trained in supporting clients to progress in life, while counselors are trained in human development.

Coaches help people achieve their goals, while counselors help you identify problems and act as a solid support system to assist you in gaining strength.

Coaching focuses on the “how” to get out of the problem, counselors work on the “why” of the problem.

It’s important to note that both coaches and counselors work on specific goals and changes. There is much overlap between the two approaches, and the goals you have for yourself will typically determine whether you would benefit from counseling or coaching.



Warning! There are a lot of “coaches” out there who feel free to call themselves coaches because they took a 3-day course about the subject. Please choose your coach carefully to avoid wasting time and energy.

Although degrees and certificates are not everything, (life) experience is essential. For instance; it isn’t likely for someone who’s been living in the same house their entire life to give YOU proper advice and guidance on how to adapt after moving to another city, country or continent; or for someone who has never met a refugee to help you understand and deal with a refugee; or for someone who’s never been bullied or discriminated against to help YOU cope with or heal from bullying and discrimination.

It is logical to think that, in order for a person to become someone’s LIFE coach, they need LIFE experience; It’s not only about whether they’ve been through something in life, it’s also the fact that they’ve learned from it and managed dealing with it and healing from it properly. The last thing a client wants if for an unqualified “coach” to give them illogical advice that could end up making matters worse.

Relationship guidance

  • What is relationship guidance?


Relationship guidance is a specific form of support and guidance that is aimed at tackling structural and communication problems and tensions between partners.

The coach/counselor is not there to agree with one or both partners but to apply conversation techniques to understand and resolve relationship problems.


  • How does it work?

During the sessions, we start by listening to both partners. Then we try bringing the stories back to the core and to identify underlying problems and behavioral patterns. That’s how we create the possibility and room for improvement.

Based on the wishes of the couples, we can either help with solving the problem or help the couples separate in a respectful and peaceful way, under supervision.

Not every (small) discussion in a relationship has to be a problem.

We advise you to seek guidance if you experience communication difficulties, incomprehension, power differences, inequality and distrust.


For our safety as well as yours, it is not possible to make an appointment if one of the partners has serious behavioral or personality issues such as (temper) tantrums, anger issues or struggling with substance abuse.


Disclaimer: We do NOT address psychological issues, traumas or mental health problems and disorders. Our counseling and coaching sessions are for mentally healthy and stable individuals who seek guidance and support with specific subjects and situations.

Family guidance

  • Family guidance


Family guidance is a form of counseling in which the entire family is supervised by one or two experts. It’s a method to develop and maintain healthy and functional family relationships.

Various factors influence how family members behave as well as what they think and what they expect from each other.


  • How does it work?


With guidance and support from the coach / counselor, you look at patterns and positions within the family and the effect they have on personal emotions, experiences and reactions. This creates new insights and understanding in order to be able to handle each other in a different and more suitable way.

In our practice, during family sessions we address specific issues affecting the functioning of the family. We can help you create the required space to take a different look at problems, at yourself and at others. Providing a safe place for families to discuss sensitive and personal topics.

It is wise to seek family guidance if you experience communication difficulties among other things, being stuck in the cycle of blame, parent-child conflict caused by incomprehension, power differences, inequality and distrust within the family.


For our safety as well as yours, it is not possible to make an appointment if one of the family members has serious behavioral or personality issues such as (temper) tantrums, anger issues or struggling with substance abuse.


Disclaimer: We do NOT address psychological issues, traumas or mental health problems and disorders. Our counseling and coaching sessions are for mentally healthy and stable individuals who seek guidance and support with specific subjects and situations.


Loneliness - The cure

  •  Loneliness worldwide


According to a global survey, about 33% of adults experienced feelings of loneliness worldwide.

USA: Loneliness is also steadily rising in the United States. Survey data from recent years shows that 30% to 59% of Americans feel lonely.

The Netherlands: A 2019 survey showed that more than 26% of the Dutch aged 15 or older felt somewhat lonely, and 9% had strong feelings of loneliness. 2 years later these figures became 32% and 11%.

UK: In England, 45% of adults feel occasionally, sometimes or often lonely. This equates to twenty-five million people.

Japan: A recent large-scale study showed that 48% of Japanese adults do not talk to anyone about their feelings of loneliness, and 57% of adults feeling loneliness say the condition is due to factors beyond their control.

Brazil: With one of the highest percentage of people experiencing this, with 50% of respondents declaring that they felt lonely either often, always, or sometimes.


  • What does loneliness do to you?


Loneliness can lead a person to withdraw and therefore not give themselves the opportunity to socialize with others.

A lonely brain runs the risk of cognitive and physical decline. Measurement showed that people who feel lonely have a different brain structure. It is suspected that social signals are no longer properly interpreted as a consequence.

Unfortunately, loneliness is still a taboo in many parts of the world. What many people do not realize is that loneliness literally hurts. The isolation makes people sad, gloomy and depressed.


  • What can we do for you?


For everyone aged 18 and above we offer Chit-Chat services to keep you from feeling lonely.

That means that a friendly expert regularly visits you to keep you company. In these Chit-Chat sessions we can not only chat but also take walks together or, if desired, go out for dinner, watch movies, do groceries or go shopping. This service is not for housekeeping, gardening or other household chores. It is purely meant to socialize and to get you out of your loneliness.


  • How often chit-chat?


That depends on your wishes and preferences. The service is available 1 to 5 times a week for at least 1 month.

A visit lasts 60 min to 8 hours.

Positive mindset

  • What is a positive mindset?


You often hear people talk about positive energy and mindset, but what does that actually mean?

Contrary to popular* belief, being positive doesn't mean saying "yes" all the time or agreeing with everyone to avoid conflict. It also doesn’t mean that you ignore life's less pleasant situations.

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.

People with a positive mental attitude view life from a positive perspective.


  • How does it work?


Negative thoughts attract more negativity and that is energy-draining. It's not easy to make positivity a priority, but luckily that is something you can learn.

During the trainings and sessions, you will learn how to let go of negative thoughts, how to look at yourself more positively and how to distance yourself from negative people in your life, among other things.

With proper guidance and coaching, you can learn how to approach negative news or stressful situations with a positive outlook by developing an optimistic attitude and the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation.


Before we can put positive thinking into practice, we need to look for and identify any negative thoughts that may be running through your mind, like:

Blaming everyone else for everything that you go through or feel.

Seeing things as either good or bad, also known as black & white thinking, often the go-to thinking of perfectionists (who are usually unhappy).

Blaming yourself for less pleasant or disappointing situations as well as taking everything personally and being offended by anything or anyone.

Overlooking the good things about a situation and getting wrapped up in the negative parts or details.

Predicting disaster and always expecting the worst thing to happen.


  • What are the benefits of positive mental attitude?


Many studies have looked at the role of optimism and positive thinking in mental and physical health.

Some of the benefits include:

🏡Longer life span

🏡Lower chance of having a heart attack

🏡Greater resistance to illness such as the common cold

🏡Better stress management and pain tolerance

🏡More creativity, clearer thinking and better mood

🏡Better coping skills and less depression


If you want to take a deeper dive into the world of positivity in an attempt to find true happiness, you can also learn to meditate for inner peace with our Mindfulness program for beginners.

Meditation - Mindfulness

  • What is meditation?


Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.


  • Mindfulness for beginners


Mindfulness is the fundamental human ability to be fully present and to consciously pay attention to the present moment and experience. Without distraction and without judgment. It is a movement that has everything to do with awareness.

The mindfulness training and exercises are generally used for stress reduction and improved concentration.

Mindfulness is a scientifically based attention training that teaches you how to deal better with stress, insomnia, pain, depression, burnout, worrying, etc.

Among its theorized benefits are self-control, objectivity, affect tolerance, enhanced flexibility, equanimity, improved concentration and mental clarity, emotional intelligence and the ability to relate to others and one's self with kindness, acceptance and compassion.


  • How does it work?


With the help of our mindfulness program for beginners and with proper coaching, you can learn to enjoy the little things in life. It al starts with meditation.

Step by step, you could learn how to pay attention to your sensations, feelings, thoughts, and environment in the here-and-now with an attitude of acceptance.

Mindfulness is also a good therapy for "overthinkers".

Overthinkers are people who constantly live in their heads, they think for a long time about the possible motivations and intentions of others and tend to over-analyze everything they see, hear or think.

Do you recognize these signs? Then mindfulness might be just the right step for you.


The goal: “You have control over your head, not the other way around.” With regular mindfulness sessions it is possible to reach this fantastic milestone.


  • How long does it take to learn mindfulness?


Generally, you can learn and get comfortable with the basic meditation techniques within 10 sessions. The full mindfulness for beginners 10 session-program includes body scan, basic yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The participants are required to include a 10 to 20 minutes a day in their daily routines, in between sessions.

Communication training

  • What is communication?


The Latin word communicare means "to make common" or to impart / participate in a particular thing.

Communication is the act of exchanging, transmitting, sending and receiving information and can be one-on-one or between groups of people. It’s a two-way process and an activity in which people can exchange information, thoughts and feelings. This requires a sender and a recipient.


  • Communication skills training


There are different types of communication. During the training we work on verbal, non-verbal and para linguistic communication.


Verbal communication is any communication that uses language to convey meaning. It can include oral communication, such as speaking to another person face-to-face or over the phone. It can also include written communication, such as letters and text messages.

Nonverbal communication also known as analogue communication is the exchange of information without language. Nonverbal communication says a lot about your feelings, emotions and sometimes even your intentions in that moment. This type of communication is not done through words but through body language, facial expression, gestures and posture.

Paralinguistic communication is also part of nonverbal communication that may modify meaning, give nuanced meaning, or convey emotion, by using voice intonation, volume, speed, etc. The meaning and concept of what people say is not taken from the words themselves, but from the way those words are spoken.

This type of communication has been simply defined as "not what you say, but the way you say it."


Communication skills trainings help you overcome the common blocks of effective communication by improving your current communication skills and learning new ones.


During these sessions, you learn how to speak, how to write and how to listen properly. You can also learn how to communicate positively, which can help illuminate misunderstandings and encourage a healthy and peaceful environment.


Company / group training

  • Business skills training / group training


With a group training, colleagues and business partners learn to communicate better and deal with each other and with daily situations in a more reasonable way to avoid tension in the workplace.

We focus on improving the essential skills so that employees learn to identify their strengths and weaknesses for more effectiveness and productivity.

Business cultures vary in different parts of the world. For example, American business culture is efficiency-oriented and money-driven. It is largely individualistic and there is not a strong cultural commitment or obligation to age or business hierarchies.

The German and Dutch business culture is more formal and the climate is progressive. Reliability is highly valued in the workplace. Not answering your emails or being late at an appointment is considered unacceptable.

The business culture in the Netherlands and in several other Western European countries is mainly focused on our rational capacity, so workers expect each other to act rationally and forget the emotional part.

With group guidance and coaching we work not only on communication and social skills, but also on emotional and rational skills.

By improving these skills, we can help create a safe and positive work environment where respect, wellbeing and growth are central.

Successful business is built on information and insight. A positive work environment encourages optimal working by reducing distractions and promoting high concentration levels, while reminding us to see people as humans and not as machines.


Healing with nature

  • Nature heals!


If you choose a Positive Mindset, Mindfulness or Power of Nature process, the first sessions will be planned in our practice. After that we will use the powers of nature.

Usually, a person feels better after taking strolls in nature and after swimming, sunbathing or stargazing, etc. Nature helps us relax and heal.

During our Power of Nature sessions, we do breathing exercises to relax. When the weather is nice enough, we take walks in the park or forest, spend time near the water, do basic yoga exercises or meditate. These sessions can be done one-on-one or in groups.


How does it work?

There are many antidepressants in nature. Recent research shows that:

Sunshine and fresh air increase serotonin and improve your mood which can be helpful to stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder and depression.

Listening to the sounds of nature can decrease high blood pressure, increase feelings of tranquility and calm, and reduce the levels of cortisol circulating in the body.

Real physical and psychological shifts occur when the sounds of nature are present, and some sounds appear to trigger certain responses. Bird songs appeared to be the best at relieving feelings of stress, while flowing water boosted physical health outcomes in addition to feelings of calm.


*Power of Nature sessions are not available during a storm, very high and very low temperatures.

In the comfort of your own home

  • Counseling - Coaching at home!


To include introverts and people who cannot come to the practice for sessions, we offer counseling and coaching at home.

If you want to make an appointment preventively to chat with your coach or if you feel so tired that you do not want to leave the house, but you do need a listening ear and advice ... your coach/ counselor comes to you!

It is not necessary to put yourself under pressure to go to the practice or go outside if you are not (yet) ready or if you do not have enough time and energy. It is possible to plan a number of sessions and offer you guidance and support in the comfort of your own home.

It is also possible to select this option if you cannot visit the practice due to privacy preferences or medical reasons.



Counseling - Coaching in the office

*Temporarily unavailable

Travel with me ✈


1. Personalized international support-program


For the international support program, your coach/counselor travels to your country of residence or the country where you are currently staying. Whether you’re living in Europe, the US or other parts of the world, the program is personalized and tailored based on your needs.

If you also need your coach/counselor to accompany you during your travels, please read about our Travel With Me program below.


2. Travel-With-Me program


During your business travels, your counselor/coach travels and stays with you for a certain period of time.

This is a suitable option for people in the entertainment industry who give days or weeks of consecutive shows in different cities/countries, as well as people who need daily support during their travels.

That includes athletes who travel for competitions, artists or international business people with busy agendas.

Sessions are planned immediately when you need guidance or advice before or after a busy meeting, show or competition.

You get the opportunity and the necessary space to exchange your thoughts, ideas and feelings and to talk about all kinds of subjects as you would usually do at the private practice.

*This is not valid for all countries and zones. Share your wishes by telephone or during an interview to discuss the possibilities.


How it works

We offer international support-programs starting with a period as short as 1 week and as long as 6 months in the following countries: Germany, Luxembourg, France and Belgium.

The international support-program outside of these countries can take 4 weeks to 6 months, which depends on the wishes and requirements of the client.

The TRAVEL-WITH-ME program includes national and international travel with the counselor/coach. Ideal for athletes and international business people.

Please refer to our blog post about the international programs for more information.


International programs details

-Up to 5 working days a week

-Up to 2 sessions a day (1 before and 1 after an event or as required)

-Personal Assistance with private or work -related matters like translation or interpretation is not included in the basic program. Please send us your enquiry.

-We temporarily do not travel to war zones

-For the Travel-With-Me option, the client is responsible for arranging safe transportation


Disclaimer: We do NOT address psychological issues, traumas or mental health problems and disorders. Our counseling and coaching sessions are for mentally healthy and stable individuals who seek guidance and support with specific subjects and situations.

We welcome every adult individual ready to learn and grow.


This private practice is a neutral and safe space*.

We do not base our trainings and consultations on any religious, sexual or political choices. We believe that everyone is equal and that there is no room for prejudice.

The relationship between the expert and client is built on mutual honesty, respect, and transparency.

The client is free to talk about whatever matter they believe they need help with, without feeling judged or criticized even with sensitive topics including but not limited to harmless fantasies and fetishism.

We see every client as a person and not as a number.

*The term safe space refers to places "intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations".



β›” Please refrain from contacting us for the following topics:

- Therapy for serious behavioral or personality disorders

- Anger and aggression management 

- Psychosocial therapy

- Youth problems (our practice is suitable for 18+ clients)

- Child therapy

- Therapy for fear of failure or other anxiety disorders


If you suffer from clinical depression, anxiety attacks, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders, substance abuse issues, or suicidal thoughts you should see a doctor immediately.



There are a lot of “coaches” out there who feel free to call themselves coaches because they took a 3-day course about a subject. Please choose your coach carefully to avoid wasting time and energy.

Although degrees and certificates are not everything, (life) experience is essential. For instance; it isn’t likely for someone who’s been living in the same house their entire life to give YOU proper advice and guidance on how to adapt after moving to another city, country or continent; or for someone who has never met a refugee to help YOU understand and deal with a refugee neighbor or friend; or for someone who’s never been bullied or discriminated against to help YOU learn how to cope with or heal from bullying and discrimination.

It is logical to think that, in order for a person to become someone’s LIFE coach, they need LIFE experience; It’s not only about whether they’ve been through something in life, it’s also the fact that they’ve learned from it and managed dealing with it and healing from it properly. The last thing a client wants if for an unqualified “coach” to give them illogical advice that could end up making matters worse.


Please refer to the pricing table below


Who can seek counseling and coaching?

Everyone, basically. If you need guidance and support with a matter or situation, you can always make an appointment. However, a person does not necessarily have to have a "problem" to visit a counselor or coach. You can seek coaching if you have a goal or set of goals that you need help with or because you want to learn how to communicate better or how to become more positive.


Are my sessions reimbursed by health insurance?

No, we do not work with health insurance companies at this moment.


Can I come for preventive counseling?

Yes. Preventive counseling is used to stop problems before they start or to prevent things from getting worse. You can also make appointments to chat about a recent change in your life or before you make an important life decision like marriage or moving to another country/continent. 1 session every 6 to 8 weeks is usually enough.


Can I bring someone to my appointment?

The sessions are individual sessions planned for those who need help. With the exception of group sessions, family and relationship guidance.



I am a teenager. Can I make an appointment?

We only schedule appointments for legal adult clients. A person is a legal adult at age 18.



Should I make an appointment for coaching or counseling?

You can read the difference between these services here. We always plan an intake first before deciding the kind of support and guidance that we can offer you.



Why can't I make an appointment for burnout coaching?

Because we think it is important to offer the right help, we regularly follow courses and trainings to meet certain strict criteria to offer better support and guidance. Starting May 2023, we will (hopefully) be certified for specialized coaching such as stress coaching and burnout coaching.


I am having second thoughts because it’s my first time seeking counseling or coaching. What should I do?

That is understandable. With a 10+ years academic journey, multiple certificates and trainings, you are in good hands at Raviv Private Practice. If you are still not sure, feel free to contact us and we’ll schedule a call.


I am an expat and only speak basic English. Can I make an appointment?

Yes. We can offer coaching and trainings in different languages including English and Dutch. Expats are welcome.


Can anyone make an appointment for mindfulness?

No. People who have no experience with meditation cannot immediately start with a mindfulness program. Even if it’s a program for beginners. That will cost too much time and energy and deliver almost no results. Additionally, people who are negative are also not able to follow our mindfulness program. We recommend starting with our "Positive Mindset" sessions, first.


How long is a session?

That depends on the kind of sessions you’ve booked. Usually, a basic session can run 40 to 60 minutes long but may run longer. Group therapy sessions can run around 90 minutes. We do not offer sessions longer than 2 hours.


My partner is autistic. Can we make an appointment?

Unfortunately, we do not provide any services for autistic clients. Please choose a specialist in autism for the best support and guidance.


I want to make an appointment for family coaching but some family members don’t speak English or Dutch. Can you help?

That depends on the language your family members speak. Fill in the contact form and let us know.


Is it possible to hire Raviv Counseling for individual or family sessions on location?

Yes. We offer counseling and coaching in the comfort of your own home or office. If you choose your own house as a location, we might send 2 experts instead of 1. Please read our terms and conditions.


Could my company hire you for seminars and training of large groups of employees?

Yes. Feel free to send an email for enquiries.


Do you offer child therapy?

No. For child therapy we advise you to seek a specialized therapist for the best help and support.


Can I learn positive thinking in 1 session?

We appreciate the enthusiasm but the answer is no. Some free-time bloggers might try to convince you that you can learn positive thinking in a few days, but like any new habit, it takes time and practice to learn to get a positive mindset. Research shows up to 66 days on average for new patterns to take hold. Our “positive mindset” program takes at least 10 sessions/ weeks. For the best results we do recommend the full 15 week-program including basic meditation training and breathing exercise.


I will go on tour in a few months, can you travel with me?

Yes. You can contact us for our international services. The RCPP travel-with-me program starts usually at 4 weeks and can last up to 6 months. If your travel plans require less than 4 weeks or more than 6 months, we have additional terms and conditions. Feel free to contact us about your enquiry.


I am currently in a country where they don’t have English speaking counselors and coaches, can I hire RCPP to meet me there?

Yes. Feel free to contact us about your enquiry. Sidenote: we are currently not traveling to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North-Korea and some parts of Ukraine.


What are breathing exercises and which courses do you offer?

By reducing shallow breathing and instead focusing on slower, deeper and steady inhales and exhales, you can reduce anxiety, fear and be in a better state to recover from stress. At RCPP we offer meditation and breathing exercises that vary from simple techniques for beginners - like the 2:1 ratio method - and effective military breathing techniques (tactical breathing). Because breathing exercises only take a few minutes, we do not offer separate appointments, instead we include the breathing exercises in our coaching, meditation and mindfulness sessions.


Do you offer intensive programs for people with tight schedules?

Yes. We need to discuss the suitable kind of support we’re able to offer before customizing a personal program for you. We recommend a maximum of 3 sessions a week, or when traveling, up to 4 days a week with 4 to 8 sessions of 60 to 90 minutes. Feel free to send an email for your enquiry.


Service Price
Initial phone consultation FREE
First interview (30 min) € 50
First interview at home (30 min) n/a
First interview at your location - office (45 min) € 115
Chit-Chat keeping you company 1:1 € 125 / hour
Chit-Chat keeping you company 1:1 (seniors) € 110 / hour
Chit-Chat keeping you company for 2 € 200 / hour
Chit-Chat keeping you company for 2 (seniors) € 175 / hour
Live-in Help for elderly Starting at € 500 / week (8h)
Live-in Help for elderly - Fulltime Starting at € 2000 / week
Coaching basic session 1:1 (45 min) € 100
Coaching long session 1:1 (60 min) € 120
Coaching at home / office 1:1 (60 min) € 150
Coaching basic Online session (45 min) € 75
Relationship guidance for 2 (60 min) € 225
Relationship guidance at home (60 min) € 275
Family guidance for 3 (60 min) € 100 pp.
Family guidance 4 to 6 members (60 min) € 120 pp.
Family guidance at home up to 6 members (60 min) € 145 pp.
Family guidance at home extra 30 min € 50 pp.
Counseling basic session 1:1 (45 min) € 150
Counseling preventive session (45 min) € 140
Counseling long session (60 min) € 175
Counseling session at home (60 min) € 225
Counseling preventive session at home (60 min) € 200
Counseling basic Online session (45 min) € 100
Communication training 1:1 (120 min) € 200
Communication training at home / office (120 min) € 275
Communication group training 4 to 10 participants at home / office (120 min) € 100 pp.
Company – Corporate training (start. 4 hours) € 150 / hour max 10 participants
Other trainings and courses starting at € 150 / session
Positive Mindset 10-session program (45 min) € 1000
Positive Mindset 15-session program (45 min) € 1500 inc basic meditation
Positive Mindset 10-session program at home / office (45 min) € 1500
Positive Mindset 15-session program at home / office (45 min) € 2250 inc basic meditation
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Learn to meditate 1:1 (60 min) € 125
Learn to meditate 1:1 private session at home (60 min) € 150
Guided meditation 1:1 (30 min) € 85
Guided meditation at home 1:1 (30 min) € 100
Group meditation (30 min) 2-4 participants € 75 pp.
Group meditation at home (30 min) 2-4 participants € 85 pp.
Group meditation at home (30 min) 5-10 participants € 65 pp.
Moving meditation – yoga 1:1 (60 min) € 150
Moving meditation – yoga 1:1 on site (60 min) € 175
Moving meditation – yoga for 2 (60 min) € 180
Moving meditation – yoga for 2 at home (60 min) € 225
Moving meditation – yoga group of 3 to 4 participants (60 min) € 75 pp.
Moving meditation – yoga at home group of 3 to 4 participants (60 min) € 90 pp.
Moving meditation – yoga at home 5 to 10 participants (60 min) € 85 p.p.
Mindfulness 10-session program 1:1 (60 min) € 1500 inc basic yoga, body scan, meditation
Mindfulness 10-session program 1:1 at home (60 min) € 2500 inc basic yoga, body scan, meditation
Mindfulness for beginners 1:1 (45 min) first session € 130
Mindfulness for beginners 1:1 at home (60 min) first session € 175
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International program (1 session per day/ max 5 days) € 2500 / week excluding travel costs, transportation and accommodation
International program (personalized) € 5000 / week excluding travel costs, transportation and accommodation
Travel With Me program (1 session per day/ max 5 days) € 4500 / week excluding travel costs, transportation and accommodation
Travel With Me program (2 sessions per day/ max 5 days) € 9000 / week excluding travel costs, transportation and accommodation
Travel With Me program (personalized) € 1000 / extra day starting price excluding travel costs, transportation and accommodation
VIP session - special program € 600 / hour

Valid until March 2024

-The prices are valid in the Netherlands and do not include travel costs and parking.

-The prices do not include evening and weekend extra fee.

-For Belgium, Germany, France and Luxembourg we offer our services at your own home / office starting 1 week. The programs are customized and can take up to 6 months based on your preferences. The prices do not include travel costs, transportation and accommodation.

-The Travel-With-Me program for other countries starts at 4 weeks and can last up to 3 months.

-Some countries give a max 90 days visa for non-residents, which means that we can only stay in that country for 3 months. Please keep that in mind when making an enquiry.