Positive Mental Attitude: the training and benefits

Published on 3 January 2022 at 13:30


What is a positive mindset?


You often hear people talk about positive energy and mindset, but what does that actually mean?

Contrary to popular* belief, being positive doesn't mean saying "yes" all the time or agreeing with everyone to avoid conflict. It also doesn’t mean that you ignore life's less pleasant situations.

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.

People with a positive mental attitude view life from a positive perspective.


How does it work?


Negative thoughts attract more negativity and that is energy-draining. It's not easy to make positivity a priority, but luckily that is something you can learn.

During the trainings and sessions, you will learn how to let go of negative thoughts, how to look at yourself more positively and how to distance yourself from negative people in your life, among other things.

With proper guidance and coaching, you can learn how to approach negative news or stressful situations with a positive outlook by developing an optimistic attitude and the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation.


Before we can put positive thinking into practice, we need to look for and identify any negative thoughts that may be running through your mind, like:

●Blaming everyone else for everything that you go through or feel.

●Seeing things as either good or bad, also known as black & white thinking, often the go-to thinking of perfectionists (who are usually unhappy).

●Blaming yourself for less pleasant or disappointing situations as well as taking everything personally and being offended by anything or anyone.

●Overlooking the good things about a situation and getting wrapped up in the negative parts or details.

●Predicting disaster and always expecting the worst thing to happen.


    What are the benefits of positive mental attitude?


    Many studies have looked at the role of optimism and positive thinking in mental and physical health.

    Some of the benefits include:

    🏵Longer life span

    🏵Lower chance of having a heart attack

    🏵Greater resistance to illness such as the common cold

    🏵Better stress management and pain tolerance

    🏵More creativity, clearer thinking and better mood

    🏵Better coping skills and less depression


    If you want to take a deeper dive into the world of positivity in an attempt to find true happiness, you can also learn to meditate for inner peace with our Mindfulness program for beginners.

    Ruby - Coach & Counselor

    Certified Life Coach

    Stress & Burnout Coach

    MBA - Trainer/Educator