An Open Letter to Those Who Diminish the Impact of Non-Physical Abuse

Published on 2 October 2023 at 09:27

Dear Readers,


I write this letter to you today not only as a counselor but also as someone who has personally experienced the devastating effects of abuse. Growing up, I endured years of emotional, verbal, physical and psychological abuse at the hands of my own parents. For far too long, I internalized a toxic belief that many of you are familiar with – the notion that "if it's not physical or sexual abuse, it's not really abuse." Today, I stand here to challenge this harmful misconception and shed light on the profound impact of non-physical abuse.

It's disheartening to witness the minimization of non-physical abuse, as it only perpetuates the cycle of suffering for survivors. The bruises may not have been visible on my skin, but the scars etched on my soul ran deep. The words that were hurled at me like sharp daggers pierced through my self-worth, leaving a trail of self-doubt and emotional turmoil in their wake. The manipulation, gaslighting, and constant psychological torment inflicted upon me were forms of abuse that cannot and should not be dismissed.

Abuse is not limited to physical or sexual acts alone. Emotional abuse, characterized by verbal assaults, constant criticism, humiliation, and the intentional destruction of one's self-esteem, is just as damaging. It leaves lasting wounds on the psyche, eroding one's sense of self, and instilling a distorted perception of reality. The relentless psychological warfare waged by abusers can trap victims in a perpetual state of fear, anxiety, and confusion.

When we label abuse solely in terms of physical or sexual acts, we invalidate the experiences of countless survivors who have endured different forms of mistreatment. By dismissing the impact of emotional and psychological abuse, we unintentionally silence the voices of those who are desperate to be heard and understood. We unintentionally perpetuate the idea that their pain is not valid, that their suffering is somehow lesser.


The dismissal of non-physical abuse and the torment endured by survivors have severe consequences on their overall health and wellbeing. When their experiences are downplayed or invalidated, survivors may internalize feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame. They may question their own reality and struggle with a profound sense of unworthiness.

The effects of non-physical abuse on mental health are extensive. Survivors often battle anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychological disorders resulting from the trauma they endured. The constant fear, manipulation, and emotional turmoil experienced in abusive relationships can have long-lasting effects on their ability to trust, form healthy relationships, and regulate their emotions.

Moreover, the impact of non-physical abuse can extend to physical health as well. The chronic stress and trauma inflicted by emotional and psychological abuse can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, and weakened immune function. The toll on their overall wellbeing is significant, as the mind and body are intricately interconnected.

Dismissing non-physical abuse not only hinders individual healing but also perpetuates cycles of abuse within society. When we fail to acknowledge the full spectrum of abusive behaviors, we allow abusive patterns to persist and enable perpetrators to continue their harmful actions unchecked. By dismissing non-physical abuse, we inadvertently contribute to a culture that normalizes and perpetuates emotional and psychological harm.


As a mental health advocate, I implore you to broaden your understanding of abuse. Let us create a society that acknowledges the diverse range of abuse and its far-reaching consequences. It is only through education, empathy, and compassion that we can offer the support survivors need to heal and reclaim their lives.

It is crucial that we collectively recognize the profound impact of non-physical abuse on individuals' health and wellbeing. We must support survivors by validating their experiences, providing access to specialized care, and advocating for societal changes that promote awareness, prevention, and intervention.

Let us foster an environment where survivors feel safe to share their stories, where they are met with empathy and understanding rather than judgment or dismissal. That's the only way we can create a society that stands firmly against all forms of abuse, working together to heal wounds, restore dignity, and build a future where every individual's wellbeing is valued and protected.

To those who have endured non-physical abuse, please know that your pain is valid, your experiences matter, and you are not alone. Seek the help and support that you deserve. Reach out to mental health professionals, support groups, or helplines that can provide guidance and understanding. Together, we can break the chains of silence and stigma surrounding non-physical abuse and foster a culture of healing and resilience.


In solidarity and with unwavering compassion,

Ruby, Your Mobile Counselor

Ruby - Coach & Counselor

Certified Life Coach

Stress & Burnout Coach

MBA - Trainer / Educator

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