HELP! My dad wants my partner to sign a prenup.

Published on 1 August 2023 at 08:27

As a life coach and trainer, I have encountered many individuals who have found themselves in situations where their loved ones try to control their lives, such as in the case of the young man who is seeking counseling because his father is forcing his partner to sign a prenup. In such situations, personal boundaries become crucial for one's mental health and wellbeing.


Setting boundaries is about defining the limits of what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship, and it helps you communicate your needs and expectations clearly. This applies to all kinds of relationships: a parent-child relationship, friendship, partnership, a business relationship...

This young man finds himself in a predicament where he is torn between his love for his partner and his fear of disappointing his father. As a result, he is seeking guidance to learn how to be assertive and how to set personal boundaries to protect his mental wellbeing.


The most challenging part of the session is the part where the expert is trying to convince this young man that saying NO is not the same thing as being disrespectful. It's not the same thing as being impolite, rude or unfriendly. Saying NO is perfectly healthy and as my other colleagues would say: we will never try to convince you as a client, to respect people who do not have any respect for you. Ever!


It can be challenging to set boundaries with controlling parents, especially when one has a history of obeying their wishes. However, it's essential to understand that you are an adult and have the right to make your own decisions. You have the power to say no and stand up for what you believe in, even if it disappoints your parents. One thing should be clear, in this situation, your parents disappointment is not your responsibility and it's not your task to go through traumatizing experiences to avoid disappointing your parents.


To be assertive and set boundaries, it is crucial to communicate your feelings and needs clearly. Doing this in a calm and assertive manner is crucial. It's natural to feel guilty or anxious when setting boundaries, but remember that you are doing what is best for you and your mental health.

In coaching, the young man can learn practical tools and strategies to help him develop the confidence to be assertive, say no, and set personal boundaries. Coaching can help him explore his feelings and learn effective communication strategies that will allow him to stand up for himself while still maintaining positive relationships with his loved ones.


Dear reader, personal boundaries are vital for one's mental health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to controlling parents. To learn how to set personal boundaries, be assertive, and say no, it is essential to seek guidance from a life coach, a counselor or relationship expert. Don't forget that you have the right to make your own decisions and live a fulfilling life that aligns with your values and beliefs.

Mr. Shigeru, O

Life coach

Traveling the world

Relationship and family guidance

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