What's the purpose of the initial interview?

Published on 1 November 2022 at 14:00


During the initial interview between a coach/counselor and a client, the primary goal is to establish a rapport and gather information about the client's current situation, needs, and goals. The coach/counselor will typically ask open-ended questions and actively listen to the client's responses to gain a deeper understanding of their unique circumstances.

The coach/counselor will also explain their approach and philosophy to the client and answer any questions they may have about the coaching/counseling process. Together, they will set goals for the coaching/counseling sessions and determine how progress will be measured.

It's essential for the client to feel comfortable and trust the coach/counselor during this first meeting, as it sets the foundation for the coaching/counseling relationship. The initial interview is an opportunity for both the client and the coach/counselor to determine if they are a good fit for each other and if coaching/counseling is the appropriate approach to help the client achieve their desired outcomes.


What happens after the initial interview?


After the initial interview between a coach/counselor and a client, the coach/counselor will typically use the information gathered to create a customized plan for the client. This plan may include specific goals, strategies, and techniques that the coach/counselor believes will help the client achieve their desired outcomes.

The coach/counselor will work closely with the client to implement this plan and provide ongoing support, guidance, and accountability throughout the coaching/counseling process. The coach/counselor may also recommend additional resources or tools that can help the client achieve their goals.

Throughout the coaching/counseling sessions, the coach/counselor and client will regularly assess progress towards the established goals and adjust the plan as needed. The ultimate goal of coaching/counseling is to empower the client to make positive changes in their life and achieve their desired outcomes.

Miss Raviv - Coach & Counselor

Certified Life Coach

Stress & Burnout Coach

MBA - Trainer / Educator