What is coaching?

Published on 10 January 2019 at 06:40

What is coaching?

Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.

Coaching is also a form of counseling. It is a process that aims to improve performance, enhance productivity and it focuses on the 'here and now' rather than on the distant past: what's happening now and what need to be happening?


When to seek coaching?

Many people seek out life coaches for guidance in navigating a significant life change, like post-divorce or starting a new career. However, people can also turn to life coaches for help in building a happier and more meaningful life.

Coaching is more than a process where a coach supports you to make a change, learn something new or achieve a goal. With proper guidance, we can help raise awareness and responsibility to unlock potential and develop skills, as well as supporting you at every level in becoming a better version of yourself.

... remember


Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.


There is no perfect 1-size-fits-all coaching. People are not the same and coaching can be customized to meet the client’s needs. However, in order for coaching to be EFFECTIVE, it does require the coachee (the person we’re coaching) to welcome the chance to see what they are not seeing on their own and to be willing to explore ideas, perspective and assumptions.

Mr. Shigeru, O

Life coach

Traveling the world

Relationship and family guidance